The One I Turn To - Inspirational Writings & Poetry of Julie Pisacane

WHITE AND BLACK   By: Julie Pisacane

WHITE AND BLACK                By: Julie Pisacane

Blackbird flying under a cloud.
A grizzly bear standing  proud.
Zebras are resting under a tree.
Hear that buzzing sound? It's a Bee!!
Angelfish,some big and small.
A skunk running past us all.
Sea Gulls  take flight.
Full moon at night.
A wildhorse  running on a ranch.
A Panda bear resting on a  branch.
Black cat chasing a white mouse.
White moth entered a dark house.
All nature is made by God you see.
The word of God can set you free.
Holy words,white paper, pen with black ink.
May  this all settle in and get you to think.
God's truth is black and white.
Gray areas in life cause man to fight.
Some Bibles have parts written in red.
Highlighting verses that Christ has said.
Go read a Bible ,front to back.
The Truth is there in white and black.


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