~ The One I Turn To - Inspirational Writings & Poetry of Julie Pisacane ~    [Author's Home Page!]
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After The Fall

After The Rain


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Always In My Sight

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A Cloud's Adventure

If I were a cloud drifting high in the sky,
what sights I would see on the Earth close by.
Bald eagles with mighty wings that soar.
Mother lion defending baby with a roar.

If I were a cloud soft and white,
I might whirl away a young boy's kite.
The boy would smile and follow me,
then I would set his box kite free.

If I were a cloud I would sail all around
and see what treasures could be found.
I would float around cities and oceans of blue.
Now you would see that I 'd drifted towards you!!

I would bring you some gentle cool air.
You'd notice me and begin to stare.
Now your troubles are forgotten for awhile ,
as you walk with me the very next mile.

You tell me to lift you up and away.
Being a cloud I'd have little to say.
I turn into the loveliest shape you know...
You start to wave as I drift away slow.

I see in your eye a little tear.
Time to do some magic here!
You look at me straight up above.
I've changed into the word ,LOVE.

You plead with me  to be here tomorrow
or else your heart will be filled with sorrow.
I joyously agree before I depart.
I'll meet my dearest one who captured my heart.

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