Dedicated To my Mama in heaven,
My poetry inspiration
This poem is a description of;
my very first poem of "MAYBE SOMEDAY"
I had a dream or was I asleep?
I know when I awoke, it hurt so deep!
God took you away many years ago. . . .
And someday I will see you, this I know!
This dream I had, it felt so real. . . .
You were beside my bed,
Your presence I could feel.
I had really been sad and just napping
That day, when here came your presence
To wash my sadness away.
My dreams of you, I find pure pleasure;
Just a glimpse of your laughing eyes
Is a gift from God I will always treasure!
So . . . no matter if it was a dream,
Or if I was barely asleep,
I'll cherish that moment, for in my heart
I will forever keep.
Send me more of your presence,
I ask in despair;
Mama . . . was you there?!