To all the abused children in this world
This poem was read at the Washington D.C.Poets Convention.
Also it is published in anthology titled"An Open Door"
~~ It isn't Time ~~
that heals All wounds
~~ * "It's Love" * ~~
Another child has met her demise,
By evil hands who cared not for her cries.
So many children on earth are abused,
The ongoing trauma of sexually used!
Some live on with the nightmare of the past_
While others don't survive...
This attack will be their last.
The pain and the suffering only gets worse,
That is.. if they survive.. after the first.
Only with love and compassion...
Will they make it through.
For when one of yours' falls prey,
I hope you will know what to do.
Unfortunately there are many...
That are never again seen;
Due to a vicious attacker,
So full of evil and down right mean!
Open up your hearts...hear their cries?!
Mourn for our children...For...
Another child has met their demise.
Written, published and
copyrighted by Linda Sue Begley