Words and Verse

Verses (Translation-Galego)

From De Castro

My drear and lonely heart
is like a nest of songs:
in it they live or drowse
like birds do in their nests,
till pain stir them awake
or pleasure calls their bounds:
and then they fill the air
with joy or mournful sounds


When playing the guitar
its feelings seem to rise:
at times it sings and smiles,
at times it weeps and cries.


The paleness of your face
is like a moonlit night:
and like a moonless night
the blackness of your hair.


When, by the riverside,
you wash your feet of rose,
the waters sway and foam,
the wind sighs up and blows.


The nails they drove into
Lord Jesus hands and feet
have panged within the heart
of Mary ever after.


The world gives me a book
but I'm to thick and dense:
the more I study its pages
the less I comprehend.


The hypocrite does now
Upon his death-bed dwell:
a bundle of fire-wood
to feed the flames of hell.


Your mother won't approve
because I'm poor and all?
Just say: "the world still spins
and many towers fall"


Get off the window-seat,
My child, and heed my words:
"the flower that does not show
is safe from hunting birds. "


By sight I mapped the sky
And sized the sea by sound;
but sounding in a heart
no bottom could be found.
O meu corazón soíño
e morada de cantares;
nei agarimados viven
coma no seu niño as aves;
e cando a dor os desperte,
ou cando pracer os chame,
encherán de sons alegres
ou de tristesiña os aires.


A guitarriña que eu toco
sente como unha persona;
unhas veces canta e ríe,
outras veces xime e chora.


A cor d'o teu rostro, nena,
é coma noite de lúa,
e a mata dos teus cabellos,
o mesmo que noite escura.


Cando á veiriña do rio
lavas os teus pes de rosa,
tembran de amor as auguiñas,
sospira o vento antre as ponlas.


Os cravos que en pes e mans
lle puxeron al Señor,
lévaos a nai afrixida
cravados no corasón.


O mundo deume un libro;
é eu son tan lerdo
que canto mái-lo estudio
méno-lo entendo.


O santurrón de abaixo
xá está morrendo;
¡que feixiño de leña
vai para o inferno!


Vai logo, e a tua nai dille
si me despresa por probe,
que o mundo da moitas voltas,
que tamen se can as torres.


Quítate desa ventana
e oie un consello, meniña:
rosa que está ben gardada
os páxaros non a pican.


Medín cos ollos o ceo,
sondéi o fondo do mar;
mais no corasón dos homes
fondo no puden topar.

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Verses (Translation-Galego)

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