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Here's To A Bright New Year,

And A Fond Farewell To The Old...

Here's To Things Yet To Come,

And To Memories That We Hold

One Day at a time tallying the weeks,
accumulating months, forming seasons,
of Nature's Spring, Summer and Fall,
coming to a rest with Winter's call.

Holidays unfold and retire,
resting assured they'll return,
years countlessly extending,
as decades multiply to centuries.

Reached a millennium in 2000,
celebrations roared to last another,
new generations have begun to unfold,
climbing the ladder one day at a time.

Holding the bubbly with anticipation,
seconds remain for a count down of cheer,
ten . . . .  five, four, three, two, one,
Happy New Year to one and all!

Noise makers are heard throughout,
celebrations in and out of dwellings,
seeking out resolutions of plenty,
while Auld Lang Syne is sung my many.

New Year 2004 has been inaugurated,
time will repeat as if in a circle,
yearning for peace as the world turns,
with hope for guidance One Day At A Time.

31st December 2003