Words and Verse

Time, Space and the Universe (Translation-Catalan)

I have translated these three poems from the Catalan of a remarkable poet named Joan Brossa. He deserves much wider recognition than he has recieved. This is in part because the language of his poems is only spoken by 10 million people. So I have translated three of his poems here to give a sense of his genius.


This line here is the present.

That line you just read is the past
(It fell behind after you read it)
The rest of the poem is the future,
Far outside the bounds of your

The words
Are here, whether you read them
Or not. And nothing in the world
Can change that.


My universe is the poem. I
don't like to imitate nature
like a camera. I must
Make life itself come alive:

And the poem ends with one
Verse that is only
One word: the



Beyond the space that we percieve there shines an innumerable multitude of worlds like ours.

They all spin and move.
Thirty seven million earths. Nine million five hundred thousand moons.

Cringing, I think of the incalculable distances
And on the millions of dead globes
Revolving around suns already expired.

What else is going on beyond the stars?
The ground has been bedewed.

A woman gives a kiss to a little girl.
Today supper was splendid.
A barrel organ is playing away.
There's a mirror hanging on the wall.
Come in, come in, the door's wide open.
A shepherd and rag-and-bone man pass by outside.



Aquest vers és el present.

El vers que heu llegit ja és el passat
-ja ha quedat enrera després de la lectura.
La resta del poema és el futur,
que existeix fora de la vostra

Els mots
són aquí, tant si els llegiu
com no. I cap poder terrestre
no ho pot modificar.


El meu univers és el poema.
No m'agrada d'imitar la naturalesa
A la manera dels fotògrafs.  Em cal
Fer sorgir la vida mateixa.

I acaba el poema amb una
Estrofa que no és sinó
Un mot:



Enllà de l'espai que percebem brilla multitud                                         innombrable de mons semblants al nostre.

Tots giren i es mouen.
Trente-set milions de terres. Nou milions cinc-centes                                                             mil lunes.

Penso amb espant en distàncies incalculables
i en milions de globus morts
al voltant de sols ja apagats.
Medito sobre l'orgull.
Què s'esdevé més enllà dels astres?
El terra està regat.

Una dona fa un petó a una nena.
Avui el sopar ha estat d'allò més bo.
Se sent tocar un manubri.
A la paret hi ha un mirall penjat.
Entreu, entreu, la porta és ben oberta.
A fore passen un pastor i un drapaire.

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Time, Space and the Universe (Translation-Catalan)

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