My Sanity and Insanity

A Lot of Happiness

did you ever notice, how we all look the same, in a certain light? in a certain light, we're all the same person; i mean, after all, we all want the same thing, but don't know what it is. do you know what it is? i wish i could know, and sell it to people. i'd charge fifty bucks a piece, and make a fortune off searching people, who hope they've found the answer, after all these years of not knowing. then i could be a millionaire, and spend all my money on things i don't need, but have always wanted. then i would be happy, everyone would be happy and the world would no longer need to search, cause i could give them their answers. let's see... six billion times fifty... that's a lot of money. that's a lot of happiness.

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A Lot of Happiness

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