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 Through The Eyes Of A Poet...      768632 Poems Read

My Thoughts...

My friend fears illness and death, fears my illness and death, this is a message for her, but also a message for all, because there are a lot of people out there who have a death phobia!!!

This is a total contradiction to my previous poems, but thats because when I got up this morning, I put my positive head on...It took me a few days, but I got there in the end...


Listen you!!!

You have to come to terms and deal with illness and death!!!

It's the most common commodity in life!!

We are all born to die, therein lies our destiny!

From the minute of conception the deterioration process begins...and every day we lose more and more cells...It's fact and it's life!

It just depends on who's next in line and though no-one wants to be next in line, someone is...

I decided, that yes, I am upset and yes, I am worried and no, I don't want to die.  But no matter the course of my life, that is totally out of my control.  Cos bottom line is, no matter how hard we fight to stay, divine intervention is the key, He will let us live, or let us die, simple.

For me I hope for life, but again, all the hope in the world won't change what is to be my fate, or anyone's fate.  I can't change it, so I go with it!  But it doesn't mean I will just lay down to it without a fight!

We all die...we all know it, don't fear the inevitable.  I saw that light, I had that peace, I know it's not as scary as you think it is!!!

When you come to terms with that, that's when you begin to REALLY enjoy life!

You have to live for today, and for the future! Don't dwell on the fear of what it may bring, but of what it is and will be.  It's all about hope and faith!

To live in fear of death and illness is a total waste of negative energy!!!!  Cos we can't alter it now can we!!!

Enjoy your life today, it may be gone tomorrow, but you don't EVER let that cloud your life!  Or your life is wasted!!!

My life has been full and rewarding, and I will make it so until the day I die...and no matter when that is, it will come to pass...for all of us!!!

Simple really isn't it...

Face your fear and DO NOT fear me or my life, or the demise of it, more, rejoice it, because no matter the trials in my life, and no matter what I now have to face, face it I will, and I will NEVER lose my strength and courage!!  I have my smile, I will never lose that smile!

While I have them, I have everything!!!

Smile in the face of adversity and all will be well!!!!  

I do not intend to die miserable...I will die happy, knowing that all my life, I did the best that I could do...That's all any of us can do!

So then, sort yourself out, lose the fear, and live!!!!

It doesn't mean I 'will' die you know!  You nut, no matter what, it doesn't mean I will die!

Hey, everyone tells me I have come through worse than this, and really, I suppose I have, And hey, guess what?  

I am still HERE!!!

I hope you read this, I hope you take it on board!!  I hope you start to live without the fear of death.

No-one wants to die, I don't want to die, but whatever happens in the next few weeks will deem my fate in one way or another...but good or bad, no matter the prognosis I accept it, because I have no choice!

His decision is final!

His choice is our fate!

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