Did You See...Mels' Movie?
Dedicated to "The Passion Of The Christ"
I went to see Mel Gibson's movie,
Along with my husband,two of our sons
and daughter-n-law to be.
Mel directed the movie not only to see,
But to have an impact on all society.
Our Lord suffered more pain than a
nation could have endured.
For the common man would have died..
Within minutes, I am sure.
Just seeing the commercials...
I became quite excited, for I felt
many lost souls would indeed be saved.
Now that I have reviewed I feel
it will be a reality.
Mel Gibson was twelve years in the
making of this film,
The actors that he chose to portray
the biblical characters...
Couldn't have been better picked,
Except by Our Father which art in heaven.
Many harsh words and controversary...
Mel took before this movie was released,
Yet he pushed forward...
spending his own money for the world to see...
Our Lord going through way more for our sins,
Than anyone on earth could ever comprehend.
The main message I felt came through...
Was forgiveness and love...
And how he paid the ultimate price,
and his love for not only just...
you and me but all of humanity!
Thank-you "JESUS" I'll praise your name
through all eternity!