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 Mistee's Thoughts       12677 Poems Read


I see the way your friends look at me,
whenever, I appear.
The look in their eyes,
is the look you get,
from someone who really doesn't care.

I see them speaking,
but, I can't hear what they say.
And, they try to hide the smirks,
and the lies by looking the other way.

So, I frown and ask,
what's wrong here?
Did I say, or do something wrong?
They say no,
as they turn their backs the other way.

But, what they don't know,
is that I know,
everything you do.
But, I keep it to myself,
refusing to help myself,
Living with you is better than living without you.

Until I leave this world, and this finally ends,
Whispers will continue, among you and your friends!

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