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Life's Circle
I'm lonely today,
I don't know why
I feel this way.
Maybe it old age
catching up with me.
Things have changed
over these seventy years,
that's a fact anyone can see.
Isn't it amazing how fast the
sands of time sifts through
the hour glass?
Even though we know life
will not for ever last.
The joys and tears of yesteryear
are long in the past, but their
memories are permanently cast.
For some reason it seem I have
more melancholy day than not.
Sadness, loneliness, emptiness
is my lot.
Old age is sneaking up on me,
I can't keep from wondering
how many tomorrow's there
will be.
It all started in nineteen thirty three,
and I have a sneaky feeling it will
all come to and end for me long
before two thousand thirty three.
But that all right, for that's the
way God meant for life's circle to be.
Jackie R. Kays-Copyright…2004
Life's Circle
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