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A prose I found  deep within;
For Ginny Bryant...My mentor,motivator and poetic friend.
You amaze me with your words of heartfelt  emotions,and some of your writes are just plain funny.
Your pages are all so very lovely.
Many sites display and publish your work,
Your self motivating,publishing books with contracts,
Now you say one of your future books may be made
into a movie.
With each passing day you somehow amaze me.
I've been blessed with many friends through poetry sites,
That are all so precious to me,
Then I'd fix my eyes upon your  work ,
from another precious friend sending me the link.
At that moment... I chose you as a mentor for me.
I've since noticed...you were born the same year as my
now Angel Mama.
The emotions from your work was strong and overtook me,
Upon visiting your site,in some strange way I think my Mama  led me to believe you were perfect for a mentor to be.
Mama always was right...
For since day one, you have praised my work and helped to motivate me,
Sending emails,feedback, praises or  poetry daily.
God bless you on your  lifes journey,
Keep up the great work that inspires me,
My Mentor, motivator,and poetic friend.
Graciously;Linda Begley
copyright(c) 2004

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 Pastor Linda Sharing God's Love

~*~ My Amazing Ginny ~*~

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~*~ My Amazing Ginny ~*~



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