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A Secret Love
Like a moth drawn
dangerously close to a
flickering candle light,
My thoughts of you come
back each and every night.
We’ve been strangers
for years from the past.
But my love for you is
one that will eternally
We were young, with
a foolish heart and our
love was doomed
from the very start.
Life’s journey has taken
us to distant destinies.
But my memories of you
will always be of those
few, but beautiful
The days have turned to
months and the months
to years, the years
to decades.
Our lives have passed
like ships in the night.
But my love for you
my Darling still burns
like a brilliant torch
Our time has run out.
We shall never meet
again, but I will secretly
love you until the very end.
I hope you feel the same,
for we’ve been like two
distant moths…
flying dangerously
near the same flickering
candle flame.
Jackie R. Kays
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A Secret Love
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