Main Course MenuThat's Why I'm So Mixed Up! If I could mix them up, Then I'll be fine... Great time, passion, sex w/ Loyalty, friendship & adoration I'm not set, instead I'm upset 'cuz I'm All Mixed Up! When I tie my shoes The littlest thread tugs Both which ways in swooning sways Twists Bantu knots me up When I'm being knocked up & and it's Knocking Me out! Blue hue, it's sickeningly cruel What happens when my feelings come unglued? I need 'em, want 'em But I'm not sure If I should have them If I'm Feeling so... Surreal & Subconscious & Mulatto & Cream-cheesed, Medium, Even, Centered, and yet... Uncentered! Pick, Choose, or Drop? And what better expertise than my own to quiet this dilemma? Vote for this poem
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