Evil does exist…
the seed is deposited by a Satanic act,
then grows and is nurtured within
the human mind.
And in time is born into the world
in the form of malfeasance of all kind.
Evil performs all sorts of sadistic
plays, causing man to stalk and prey
upon the innocents of humanity in
many ways.
Evil comes masked in many forms,
deceit, hate, intolerance, mistrust
envy, greed, sadism and disappointingly
enough in love.
So be aware, be on the alert, for evil
exists everywhere!
Evil never dies, it just fades away
and comes back another day.
For you see…
Evil is here to stay, for within the minds
of some men evil is inherently their
chosen way.
There’s only one thing that evil can’t
resist, it’s called; "Good!"
You see…
Good exist in the minds of more
men that evil ever could!