Dad's Memory
two years ago
you passed away dad.
When I heard I would never
talk to you on the phone again,
I was grief stricken, so sad.
Dad we would laugh
and have fun, I could share
anything with you.
We also shared
your difficult days,
as the death of your body had
begun too.
Now today two years later
in my memories you still are here.
I go to my closet,
take out your shirt,
the smell tells me you are near.
I can still see
your face dad,
the pain,
the last five years
of your life, you did endure.
But dad... I know
I will see you again.
Of this I am very sure.
So dad,
enjoy this new journey
until we meet again.
Perhaps you would
ask God if you could be
my guardian angel that He could send?
Debra McGee Trammell
In memory of Theo McGee
July 23, 1927 - November 10, 1997
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Dad's Memory
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