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Dear JoAnn, I hate to see you go,
Everyone of us is going to miss you so;
You helped children, adults, and staff,
I used to love the way you laugh;

You'd put us on a scale, check our eyes,
Calm us down when our temps would rise;
Many kids cry a lot after a shot,
You always soothed them with a lollipop;

At times adults had their own fears,
But your kind words helped dry my tears;
I must admit that I’m a little curious,
Were there not times when you got furious?

Don't get me wrong, you're one of the best,
But everybody sometimes gets put to a test;
I say this simply because I have never seen
You get testy, nasty or downright mean;

There have to be times when you wanted to say
"All right! That's enough, let’s call it a day!"
But whenever giving treatment or offering advice,
You were never anything but pleasant and nice;

There's no way to show my full appreciation
For your years of hard work and dedication;
I'm trying to tell you in this humble verse
That to me you are simply one great nurse!

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