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  ONE DAY AT A TIME      228033 Poems Read


Dedicated to my precious Niece, Nina.

Some think this day is just for lovers,
others could care less, one way or another,
still others feel it's for ones you care,
to express affection without any dare.

Flowers and chocolates are gifted by some,
then there's costly gems that impress some,
yet what's worth more and less of a cost,
is neglected love, which forever can be lost.

No one else seemed to care,
no one else seemed to dare,
to reach out and let me know,
they care enough to let it show.

You've given me the best gift today,
by showing me you care in every way,
and, I thank you from the bottom of my heart,
for being my precious one, from the very start.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Yana Petkov
14th February 2005

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