I'm getting heavier,
I no longer float,
I am alone here,
It is an empty boat,
Its cold here,
The air is tight,
The silence is so loud,
The sky is night,
Where am I going?
The currents too strong,
I'm trapped beneath the surface,
And it's pulling me along,
I feel I'm getting closer to you,
You feel so near by,
I'm being pushed towards you,
Yet I can't understand why,
I'm getting better,
I'm trying to swim back,
I catch a glimpse of the moonlight,
And again everything goes black,
I need to breathe,
To feel again,
Flush all my anger,
Drown all this pain,
Please make it stop babe,
BeforeI destroy us,
Just reach in and grab my hand,
Pull me from these dark waters.