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 The Black & White Poet

My Letter To You

My Friend -
Did you know that you were an angel to me,
Even when there was miles and it was you I couldn't see.
But even in the angelic realm - we don't visualize -
With our flesh or with our eyes.
I love you friend, even though you've made me cry.
It is for you, my friend, that I will die.
Some times I don't show it - maybe I'm afraid,
That you don't love me in any way.
Maybe I'm scared that you've already seen,
The real person inside of me.
Maybe I'm hurt by the things you did,
By the pain, anger and things you said.
It doesn't matter now - it's all gone.
IT doesn't matter who was right and who was wrong.
I just don't want to lose you completely,
Because you mean so much to me.
But I realize that might be the case or kill.
I already miss you... and forever will.

      ~DaYnA e. 11/18/02

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