Once upon a time on the hot desert sands,
A Fathers son traveled with God's word in hand,
He was chosen to save all mankind from strife,
By preaching the Gospel and bring peace to our life.
God sent His Son Jesus not to burden our souls,
But rather to spread love and help lessen our woes,
And in spite of the miracles man saw Him perform,
They were ruthless by nature and continued to scorn.
On earth He done all that His Father had asked,
But man became blinded by the sins Satan cast,
Choosing false idols to bow down on their knees,
Wanting only their riches and themselves to please.
God knew when He sent Him that all would be lost,
The life of His Son it would ultimately cost,
But in order to save us, the ones who believed,
He promised forgiveness and our souls to receive.
The crowds grew much larger to hear Jesus speak,
Until soon all believers were filling the streets,
This angered the worshippers of idols and Kings,
As they feared loss of power and material things.
Filled with outrage and fear soldiers hunted Him down,
And for thirty pieces of silver Jesus was found,
Praying alone in a garden while His Disciples slept,
While Judas the betrayer stood silently and wept.
God's Son was now living the final hours of His life,
Being found guilty of blasphemy in the high priest sight,
Pontius Pilate reluctantly released Jesus to the mobs,
While His followers wept with tears they sobbed.
The face of our Savior was then spat on and slapped,
While carrying a wooden cross He was brutally lashed,
Then onto Calvary where He was laughed at and scorned,
As a sword tore His body and blood dripped from His thorns.
With tears mixed with blood, Christ could barely then see,
He uttered, My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?
On His last dying breath God did darken the skies,
But as promised Jesus on the third day did arise.
With God's sacrifice of Jesus His only Son,
We were promised forgiveness when His will was done,
Let's pray and give thanks each day of our life's,
And remember the suffering and the tears Jesus cried.