My Writings

inherit the wind

Shannon Rogowski                                                            May 26, 2005
English                                                                      Response to literature # 2

          It is difficult for people to grasp history and the way of thought during different time periods. Book, plays, and novels help people understand different time periods that occurred. Inherit the Wind by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee is a play that helps it's audience understand a time period that occurred in the nations history. Inherit the Wind helps people understand that evolution was outlawed and only creation was taught in the southern schools.
          It is hard to understand how people once thought that creation is the only way that man was created. In 1925 John Scopes was put in trial in Tennessee for teaching evolution in his classroom. The play shows the clash between the various groups in the Northern and Southern states. It shows how the people in Hillsboro were closed minded and only thought creation should be taught.
          In Inherit the Wind it shows how the Southern states were outraged that evolution even entered the school, whereas in the Northern states they did not comprehend what the big deal was. It shows how the southerners held on to their religious views and their old fashion way of life and that any new way of thinking was frightful to them.
          The southern states took it upon themselves to create their laws. Their laws were based more upon religion than the other states in the nation. When people veered away from the traditional way of thinking it was severely looked down on.
The schoolteacher in the play is Bert Cates; his defense attorney is Henry Drummond, “the gentleman from Chicago.” Matthew Harrison Brady is the one who prosecutes Cates. Throughout the play Drummond is referred to as the “gentleman from Chicago” this shows how southerners labeled the outsiders.
          Inherit the Wind helps people compare then to now. It helps it's audience understand what was wrong and against the law at one point in the nationals history, where now evolution is the main subject taught in science rooms across the nation. Today the southern culture still holds on to their eccentric way of life but is also more open to new ways of thinking and is not as frightful to understand different concepts. When people visit the south, let it be for vacation purpose or business they are no longer completely labeled as outsiders but are more welcomed into their culture. Today creation and evolution are both taught in southern school and in the northern schools evolution is taught more whereas creation is only mentioned.

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inherit the wind

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