Ephesians 4:20 - 32
Oh .... Heavenly Father;
My heart is burdened today
Save our families,friends and Our foe
Oh Heavenly Father I pray
I plead the blood of Jesus
Your mercy be with us all
Rescue us from any sin
Lest the devil tempt us to fall
Remove the strongholds
The enemy is at hand
God ....Bless America
God make it a holy land
Jesus I beseech thee
To deliver both young and old
Your mercies are so tender
Your words I pray unfold
Cleanse us from unrighteousness
Let us grieve not the Holy Spirit
Let us walk in the light of thy Love
Let us glorify you in our talk
Make us aware of you in our daily walk
Let us have burdens for lost souls
Cleanse.... America ....LORD
I plead the blood of Jesus,Make it whole
For Jesus loves us ...this I know
Happy Independence Day
To: Friends,Family and Foe
By ; Linda Begley
God Bless Us One And All !!
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