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Her parents divorced when she was a child,
My stepdaughter’s pain was far from mild;
I loved her from the time we first met,
We became as close as two people can get;

In our marriage she found sort of an oasis,
Now she saw her father on a regular basis;
But just as there was a serpent in Paradise,
Lynn met a man who was not at all nice;

Her father and I tried desperately from the start,
To keep Lynn and this evil guy apart;
He was extremely mean, would often mistreat her,
Kept her depressed and cruelly beat her;

We rushed to the hospital once without a clue,
Lynn would be lying there all black and blue;
Her doctors told us that she’d nearly died,
We sat together for hours at her bedside;

This episode was repeated over the years,
A fact that brought us so many tears;
We tried everything to keep him away,
But she’d go back to him without delay;

One night some guys happened to see him walking,
And as they stopped to listen to him talking
They felt an apprehension very strong,
That something was very definitely wrong;

They ran to the apartment and kicked in the door,
Lynn’s lifeless body lay crumpled on the floor;
You couldn’t tell that she’d ever had a face,
There was blood splattered all over the place;

She had been beaten for over an hour,
Couldn’t get away, didn’t have the power;
Of course this monster was taken to jail,
Where he was held without bail;

But I ask myself over and over again,
If Dani-Lynn’s obsession with this man,
Would've grown to the proportions that it had,
If she’d known as a child the love of her dad.

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