The One I Turn To - Inspirational Writings & Poetry of Julie Pisacane 
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 Patient Waiting

How quiet are the fields of flowers
Patiently waiting to be quenched
By Heaven's gentle rain showers.

In humble succession of it all
Seasons take turns peacefully…
for they must answer to a higher call.

Time will politely unravel what we seek.
As we whisper heartfelt prayers to God,
Who faithfully carries us when tired or weak.

Mountains aren't high enough to ascend
To a wondrous place where angels rejoice
And spirited celebrations have no end.

Walking along a warm golden beach
Our attention is secretly captured
By God, always within a prayer's reach.

Blankets of God's grace and care
Can be felt through the night
Bringing peace to the air.

Throughout all my life on this land
He is with me among this journey
Directing my heart and holding my hand.

2 Thessalonians 3:5  
And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God,
and into the patient waiting for Christ.

Julie Pisacane © 2005

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