The One I Turn To - Inspirational Writings & Poetry of Julie Pisacane 
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 Heavenly Thoughts

As if entering into a dream,
I sit by a beautiful stream .
Surrounded in a cloudy mist,
Angels are nearby and I can't resist.

Getting closer, it is still hard to hear
What is whispered from ear to ear
That puts a sweet smile on their face
Then it is told; they speak of God's grace.

Grace that is formed from holy love...
That enters our hearts from our Lord above.
The birds gladly sing and the trees give their praise
For the One who has guided us all of our days.

Days that are divided into day and night
Will eventually be filled with only His light.
Light of the world that can never be put out
Blesses us daily so that together we shout…
“Lift up your hearts to the Lord!”

Lamentations 3:41  
 Let us lift up our heart with our hands
Unto God in the heavens.

Julie Pisacane © 2005

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