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Dedicated to Maureen, with much Pride!

* * * You Are My Dearest and Long Time High School Friend * * *

"The Days of Wine and Roses" we sang,
with pride, filled with much enthusiasm,
as we fled our high school days,
on our celebrated graduation day.

Sugar cookies we shared along the way,
at a location still unforgotten to this day.
Parallel choice of music we listened to,
of lyrics to happy and melancholy notes.

Walked side by side down streets of old,
heads held up high with much pride and joy,
forsaking the bad and welcoming the noble,
bound for a destiny, then still concealed.

Shared tears to a love story on a big screen,
with laughter at unforgotten themes and schemes.
Gobble, gobble, we nicknamed a special one,
who taught us shorthand, and speechlessly we won.

Games of tennis we played for pleasure,
hence a racket flew and landed by crashing.
Though the aim became red from soreness,
we laughed till we could no longer.

Came time we parted with tributes to hold,
and for the years ahead yet to behold.
We grew older and remained young at heart,
for our unidentified destiny we cannot part.

Though still many miles far apart,
our care for sharing remains considerate,
as we speak and write our thoughts of the day,
with enthusiasm and sometime dismay.

The many years that have gone by,
have not detached our heartfelt harmony,
for it shall last with continuity,
with hopes of encountering with infinity.

Yana Petkov
11th January 2003

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