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 Pastor Linda Sharing God's Love

~A Walk In The Park~

A PonyGirl Signature

A Walk In the Park *Inspired By My Spiritual Mother...Linda Begley*
For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified.

Romans 2:13 RSV
A mother bird will not only find food for her children but feed her young from her mouth to theirs.
A mother fed me today.
As she has many countless times before. She fed me the word of God in such a way that only a mother would.
So many times I would find myself floating out into the world with almost no destination.
She has always brought me back into perspective by reminding me of my purpose.
My children show me that my purpose is to be mother.
My work has my purpose there, as caring for the sick.
My husband has been my biggest trial for purpose yet.
But in a very non-direct way, today in the park I was shown that my husband is nothing more than a preparation for my purpose.
To my husband I am also to be a mother, to his children, a friend and a listening ear, a home maker, a cook, sometimes a crafty fixer-upper, and a loyal trustworthy lover and partner.
To my Lord my purpose is to be a part of all of this and even more.  To be immersed in this, to submit my free will to him and still prosper is what my Lord 's vision is for me.
My friend in Jesus, my mother from God, shared this with me today.
She said,"It is not what you put in but what comes out".
After thinking on those words, I remember a message that God gave to me when I was very young.
I was in the deepest prayer I had ever prayed begging for my Lord to spare me from losing my mother just after the doctors all gave her twenty-four hours to live.
I prayed.  I could not begin to tell anyone the words I used, or for that matter the feelings I was experiencing.  But God knew.
He was there with me and I knew it.  He said when I was being molded in heaven before my spirit even met the womb of my mother he knew what would happen in my life.  He said my whole life was known to him and that when I was being created he created me to come to this Earth, go through anything it brought to me and come out prosperous.  I remember the thought "he don't make mistakes" coming through my head.  I remember feeling  the most warm and calm ever coming over me.  I remember thinking in my eight year old brain that wow I am awesome, because God made me and he don't make mistakes.
That was a long time ago.
Now living the busy, sometimes stressful life I live it is so easy to forget God's promises.  At such a young age what a blessing it was to be able to accept God's word so easily.  Not to mention the blessing the next morning when the cancer was gone.  Yes, my mother is still living.
So, it seems he passed the job to Linda, my dearest and truest friend.  See, he knew where I would be today and knew I would need to walk in the park to remember my purpose.  Oh, he has sent Linda to me many times.  I often wonder if she will ever realize what a job she has had since the day we met.  
Today she was the mother and I was her young.
She fed me and I am thankful that God put her in my life and I am thankful for her obedience to do his work.  Thank You.
~Jamie Griggs~Oct5,2005
 "To God be the Glory" For giving me the tools and his love to minister
to others...Thank You My Jamers for uplifting me with blessing me by blessing you.Love,and Big Jesus Hugs;Your Linda                

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