Irish/Celtic/Poet Hud

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We live in a world of high technology.
A world of computers... to transplant surgery and space travel.
Yet we also live in a pervading atmosphere of mystery and magic.
Over 400 years ago the seer and astrologer (Michel de Nostredame)...better known as Nostradamus (1503-1566) composed four line verses (Quatrains) in his collective works called 'Centuries'
As a tribute to this remarkable man...
I have attempted to recapture his forgotten craft.


Poetic Quatrain (24)

The barbarity of humanity, histories true killing fields.
Corn to the slaughter, my precious daughter.
Barbarize our precious lives with lovely sharp knives.
Kill our kindred spirits, chop the lot, till you drop.

Poetic Quatrain (21)

Barely none twisted in time the fifth dimension missing in action.
Empty signs upon the window sills of a multi-layered universe.
Quantum velocity light beams release the particles of light.
Imprisoned in matter, Willy's route into the earths multi-layered history.

Poetic Quatrain (22)

Fancy selling seeds to all of our clones.
Wash your hands humanity of all the invisible fires of wisdom and knowledge.
Skim the surface of the deep oceans of infinite Organon knowingness.
Swim in the soups of pragmatism our brothers of flowering seed pods.

Poetic Quatrain (41)

Gog and Magog future foes of the people of the Cosmic Divinity.
The mother and sons of thinking machines.
Responsible for iniating the world process.
Primeval conflict between Light and darkness to cool by blowing.

Poetic Quatrain (20)

The Grandeur of histories illusions projecting from each of humanity's eyes
The web of histories inquisitors seeking the evil enemies within.
The facts are twisted to suit histories myth makers.
Modern heresy's simplified realities histories true illusions.

Copyright Hud 2010-2012 Writer/Poet/Philosopher, All rights reserved worldwide.

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