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 Poetic Feelings      48004 Poems Read


On our first encounter, she didn’t like me at all,
As a matter of fact, she was very hostile, I recall;
However, I really knew very well how she felt,
When I was her age, I had issues with which I’d dealt;

When she’d see her dad, she’d become mad as could be,
You see, he’d left home when she was only three;
Years later he married me, and that really did fret her,
Then we had two children which didn’t make it any better;

Sometimes she and her sister would come visit our house,
Her sister would always chat, but Vicki'd sit quiet as a mouse;
There were times when I managed to draw her out;
She’d warm up a little, then suddenly start to pout;

She didn’t want to like me, not even a little bit,
But with her youngest siblings, she’d really made a hit;
She liked them from the first, then started to love them,
Said it wasn’t the kids’ fault they had to share him;

It took a long, long while but she began to realize
That she liked me, too, I could see it in her eyes;
I wasted no time at all but drew her under my wing,
We soon were close friends, what a wonderful thing!

My kids and Vicki’s, too, are all grown up now,
We solved our problems and became a family somehow;
Though hundreds of miles apart, we still keep in touch,
And always tell each other, "I love you very much."

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