When I passed by your lifeless body,
Amidst the fresh roma tomatoes
And plump grapefruits,
I heard your weak, pathetic voice
Scream out to me,
Like a wayward nomad in an arid desert.
Responding immediately to the opportunity to nurture,
I brought you home to my lonely, unadorned space.
I heard your expression of thanks
As I gifted you with the seat of honor;
The small, sunlit space near the window sill.
Your response to my loving, maternal hand was such a gift.
In what seemed like moments,
Your delicate leaves became plump,
Stretching upward toward the heavens,
Your beautiful purple petals
Saluting the sun.
I felt a gentle tug at my heart,
Remembering the same joy
Watching my little girls blossom into womanhood.
I thank you for the opportunity to nurture again
And delight in the beauty you bring to my empty nest.