Endymion's Poetry 
  Munir Mezyed

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In my dreams  
I see you, a gentle beast  
Upon the meadows of my flesh...
A butterfly  
Sipping my nectar...
A glorious moon  
All its radiant beams  
The semblance of my spirit...
In your teasing eyes  
I see  
Bestial desires  
Sensual thirst  
And erotic glimpses...  
You sigh deeply  
With fervent passion  
While your soul cries  
For freedom  
And your impatient flesh  
For the fiery rain  
One kiss is enough  
To open  
The gates of desire  
The heat of your flesh  
Allowing this craving  
This burning  
To attain release
Perceive that hunger  
With unending awareness  
The frenzied craving  
That vibrates with urgent need  
As it liberates  
The ravenous butterflies of the soul  
To delight in the sweetness of the flesh
I cry for you  
As I struggle against my eagerness  
With my intoxication  
And subdue your fire  
That is blazing in my bosom  
With amorous fantasies...
Let me luxuriate in  
And cherish  
These delirious moments  
When fire engulfs us  
Yet we are not burned  
But drown in the mystical rain of desire  
Lust and passion...
Feeling the joy of union  
The tremors of the soul  
Echoed in the flesh  
Ardent kisses  
Our flesh becoming  
Dew covered roses  
Throbbing with ambrosial nectar...
I thirst for nothing  
Except your love  
Nor demand anything  
But your fuel for my fire  
And eager lips to receive  
My kisses  
And sweetness...  
Do I love and need you  
For I cannot live  
Nor can I die  
Apart from you...  
You are  
The only joy  
In both  
My living  
And my dreams...
I hunger and thirst  
To sink into your mysterious eyes  
Feast on the sweetness of your moist skin  
Inhale the fragrance of your sighs  
Entangle my fingers in the softness of your hair  
Rest my head on your bosom  
And dream of drowning in your fire...  
I want to depict for you  
The wild sea  
The rapture that unshackles my passion  
And inspiration...
Come, let us surrender  
Our eager flesh  
To the flames  
And gather all the wood of devotion  
For that sweet blaze  
From the forest of love  
To keep it burning  

Copyright © Munir Mezyed

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