Expressions of Heartfelt Wisdoms
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 "The Truth In Friendship, Of My Best Friend"
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A true friend accepts you for who you are
Never tries to change you, and encourages you to go far
A true friend asks for nothing in return
Just a simple thank you when it is earned

Through thick or thin, good or bad
Just her presence can brighten my day
True friendship lasts forever
You know more about each other
Than you even know about yourself
You help each other through each and any endeavor

A friend is someone YOU can rely on when YOU need them most
Her time of need is never perfect, and at times an inconvenience
Yet a true friend makes and takes the time, because he cares
To help you through, no matter what, he is always there
He may not have to say a word, but merely listen
The spark in her eyes will say it all, and surely glisten

She can wake him from a deep sleep
Or call in the middle of the night
When she is down and out
She trusts he'll help make it just right

You learn her likes and dislikes
Her wants and needs, hopes and dreams
Even her inner most heartfelt emotion
You can read her mind and know her answer
Whether or not a word is spoken
And feel the depths of her loving devotion

The memories are clear, held close to your heart
From a decade of years, to the day after tomorrow
Whether you are together or away
You'll always know just what to say
To help ease her mind, or soothe her soul
A connection meant to be, right from the start

By paying attention, you learn from each other, her little quirks
Her giggle affirms her happiness
When she turns her nose up, you know she is mad
And biting her bottom lip, you sense her nervousness or fears
You provide guidance when she is lost, with a comforting pat on the shoulder
At times you make her blood boil, when you speak the truth
You know how she will react, as a matter of fact
When she breaks down with tears
All she needs is your arms wrapped around, to hold her

When you cross the line, over to more, to a love so pure and ever lasting
You have created the most precious of all friendships
A love between two friends can't be duplicated, nor replaced
The true meaning of friends is required first, then it will always be there
A closeness unlike any other, honor it, don't ever take it for granted
No matter how much time passes, or how much space

03-24-06 jt

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