The One I Turn To - Inspirational Writings & Poetry of Julie Pisacane 

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 Listening For His Call

For all souls praying, seeking, crying in the night,
rejoice, for He's heard you and now
you walk in His spirit and in His light.

For those hungry, hurting and unable to see,
be still and listen…so as not to miss
the voice of One who has set us free.

For all the souls that are faint and weak
Cast your burdens upon the Shepherd
For He is near to all that seek.

Listen to the Holy One who has loved you
And lifted you up in order to stand,
serving Him with your heart faithful and true.

Julie Pisacane © 2006

Revelation 17:14 These shall make war with the Lamb,
and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords,
and King of kings: and they that are with him are called,
and chosen, and faithful.

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