You were born on a Thursday at 10:17,
The sweetest baby that I had ever seen.
The most precious gift that I ever received,
You were so loved and do believe.
When I looked at you, I felt such joy,
I had been blessed with a precious baby boy.
Before you were born, sometimes I felt so alone,
But after your birth, I felt a love that I had never known.
I knew that this was the ultimate test,
I as your mother would love you and do my best.
The love of my mother I never knew,
Being there for you is what I had to do.
Giving you up, is something I could never do,
To go through the things I went through.
I made mistakes, and I ask you to forgive me,
But loving you, it is unconditionally.
As your mother we have a special bond,
I would die for you, to keep you from harm.
How do I love you? There are so many ways,
Your smile and your humor, has brighten many days.
Your kindness, and humbleness is really great,
Your honesty and sincerity I have come to appreciate.
You are my heartbeat, and so is your brother,
I want you both to stay close and love each other.
Know that I am by your side in all you do,
I as your mother am always proud of you.
I gave birth to you many years ago,
I have seen your maturity and watched you grow.
A fine young man you turn out to be,
I hope you learn some important things from me.
I am your mother and forever your friend,
I will be here for you until the end.
God blessed me with you and I will thank him
For the rest of my days.
I am your mother, and remember this always.
Dedication………To my Son Kerry De`Vaughn Jenkins
Copyrighted…………………………1994…..Lowanda L. Jenkins