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 Through The Eyes Of A Poet...      768745 Poems Read

Thrown into the eternal fire!

The little boy in pain and fear,
Battered abused and scared,
Hiding his hurt from the world,
Giving screams like you've never heard!
Everyday he remembers as a child,
Pain and fear were his life,
Beatings - fear and torment,
Were the trials of horror and strife!

He grew up in fear and sorrow,
Torment was the name of the game,
And he went sick each time he heard…
His father shouting his name!
Every night as a child he would sob,
Until his pillow was soaked in tears,
No matter how he wished it would stop,
He could never get rid of his fears.

His pillow a rag on the floor;
no bed for him to sleep in…
Weak and frail, and oh, so pale,
His hope all gone; he couldn't win!
He always left him beaten and bruised,
So hard he cried and sobbed,
His childhood wasn't a normal one,
For his childhood he was robbed.

Every day as a child he wished…
That he would love him and care…
But all he got was beatings and pain,
His life was so unfair!
He hid his hurt from the eyes of the world,
And he lived in a fantasy life,
Where he could dream of sugar and spice,
And a happy life without strife!

What kind of life is that?  
What kind of love did it convey?
What kind of fear was instilled in him?
What could he do to get through the day!
Nothing, he couldn't do anything,
To undo the hurt and pain and strife,
That bound him up so tightly,
For the whole of his younger life!

Torment, beatings, abuse;
This is what he lived with and felt…
And every day, he died inside,
And died a little more with every belt!
Always no matter the reason,
He would always beat him some more,
He would writhe in agony and pain,
As he was beaten to the floor!

He would beg him to stop,
So then he would beat him again,
A circle that couldn't be broken,
Why did he have to live with this pain!          
Learnt behaviour he'd heard it said,
But no, it stopped at his feet,
It wasn't going to live on in him…
For he beat back the flames of defeat!

So the little boy grew up and relived his past,
And no, he has no guilt and no shame…
It wasn't his fault - it never was…
He vowed it would never happen again!
They say in time you learn to forgive,
And to forget and go forward in life…!
But is that so, can it be so…
Can you forgive that fear and strife?

Some things can't be bought over,
Can't be washed away with the tide,
Sometimes it's impossible to do,
When you think back to the tears you've cried.
Time can't be taken back or be reversed;
You can't shed off all that strife…
It's not so easy it's so very hard,
To forgive that kind of life!

Did the punishment fit the crime?  
No, for there was no crime at all…!
No excuse, no reasons why…
No justification for beating the child so small.
He would hide inside his mind,
Dream dreams inside his head,
And all the time, whishing…
That he would wake up…dead!

But he didn't die; he prevailed,
And grew stronger every day,
Until the day came, and he would leave!  
For he knew he couldn't stay!
He grew stronger and strived to go forward,
And to make his life good and true,
Made learnt behaviour a thing of the past,
It was the only thing to do!

No more locked in his room!
And no more sleeping on the floor;
No more fear instilled in him;
His father would hurt him no more!

He has 3 brothers; they were abused too;
After they were saved from hell;
The eldest was affected so badly;
That at 16 years of age…
He threw a brick aimlessly from a bridge;
It killed a man!
He never meant to kill anyone;
It was a cry for help!

He now resides in prison for life;
Yet this same lad was his other brothers' salvation!

All 4 were rescued; but too late for him!

So you see;
Intervention may have save them from hell!
And him from prison!

So for the love of God!
Listen for the cries in the night!

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