Poetic Feelings

48,068 poems read


How much longer the stress and strain?
For hours she'd suffered so much pain.
In hard labor, her second child soon due,
What she experienced now was totally new.

C-section had brought her son into the world,
By natural birth she was delivering her girl;
She panted, gasped, was beginning to scream,
She cried out in agony to her medical team;

"Please help me! I can't stand it any more!"
Her pitiful pleas ripped my heart to the core.
I began to panic, feeling a sense of doom,
Nurses grabbed my hand, led me from the room;

They gave me something to calm me down,
A little while later brought a mask and gown;
Guided me back to the most beautiful sight,
My daughter had survived the stressful night.

Cuddling her newborn, she smiled up at me,
My pride and love, she could easily see;
Tears of happiness flowed from my eyes,
The miracle of birth, a most special prize!

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Grandma`s Labor