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~~Fishies in the pond~~

Little fishies in the pond
Of you I`m so very fond,
Round in circles you do go
This way, that way, to and fro.

Your memory is not great
But you know when you last ate,
Time for feeding, up you come
Make sure that you can get some.

Under the lilies you hide
Or the rim that`s at the side,
Hiding from that pesky cat
Perched on the side where he`s sat.

The heron lands on the wall
This is a dangerous call,
For he has had two of you
Grabbed you, ate you, then he flew.

You are safe now in your pond
`Cause of you I am so fond,
I covered the pond with a net
No more tragedies I bet.

So swim my fishies in peace
These attacks on you will cease,
Round in circles you can go
This way, that way, to and fro.

copyright©2006 Elsie

Elsie`s Poetry ~*~ Poet5170


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