From England's Green and Pleasant Land 
  Robin Hickman

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 Leave it to the Yanks

Let's leave it to the God botherers,
let's leave it to the Yanks.

With their sparkly little poetry sites,
all that tackiness,
"No thanks"

All that self indulgent whining,
all that talk of love and peace,
the smug,
self serving bullies,
they think they own the world!

If you want re-written history,
where the good guys always win,
look no further than the films they make,
well what a load of s**t!

There's that one about some Private called Ryan,
who had to go and get saved,
no mention of the British,
"No!" only Yanks are brave!

I am ashamed,
I must just say,
I think that Britain,
has had it's day.
No longer 'Great' but still fantastic,
"No love, we're not near Switzerland!"
(as I was once asked by an American)

There's a dangerous fool in the White House,
(didn't the redcoats once burn it down?)
who talks a load of horse-s**t,
but still they vote him in!

Still, they've brought us lots of culture,
like 'Disney' and 'Big Mac'
and lots of paint splashed everywhere,
by some 'artist' called Pollock.

So let's give a cheer for Uncle Sam,
the good 'ol Stars and Stripes,
as they bomb their way around the world,
as only bullies can.

With any luck their President,
will look at a map,
and say.

"Hey guys, here's a country we haven't bombed yet,
  it's called the U.S.A!"

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