~~This was written as a request from two friends of mine for their Grandaughter whom they love very much; so Ellie this is for you with love from Nannie Joan and Grandad Jimmy x~~
Ellie I`ve heard that you are kind
And you have a beautiful mind,
This shows in all the things you do
This is your make-up, this is you.
You love animals this I know
From their head right down to their toe,
Your loving nature it shines through
Your feelings are honest and true.
Little Ryan can be a pest
He puts your patience to the test,
But you`re there if he should need you
You love him dearly this is true.
Yes, 10 can be a funny age
And you `re at an awkward stage,
But this will pass and you will grow
Bet Dad won`t like your boyfriends though!
You have beautiful auburn hair
Of which you must take great care,
Your brown eyes they sparkle so
You are a pretty girl you know.
Your loving nature is a gift
Gives Nannie and Grandad a lift,
You`re loved to pieces that is true
And all their love they send to you.