Why are four letter words the most powerful of all,
If we need to express ourselves on these we do call,
They say it all without really saying very much,
But they get right to the spot that we want to touch.
H orrible pangs inside that you just can`t reach,
U nable to get rid of the deep hurt, it`s like a leech
R ooting itself to your very core,
T esting your resilience `til you`re sore.
P angs that a tablet or medicine can`t cure,
A gonising hurt making your heart hit the floor,
I ndescribable torture of body and mind,
N ever having the peace you wish to find.
A ll slow and dull when it does come,
C an`t feel anything `cause your numb,
H olding hope in your heart for a cure
E ver hoping it will stop, but, that`s no more.
S ick in body, mind or soul,
I nevitably you can`t reach your goal,
C rying helps to heal the hurt and pain,
K eeping your spirits up `til you`re whole again.
H ave a dislike for something or someone,
A bhoring it `til your sanity is gone,
T aking over your very being,
E motional upset is all you`re seeing.
L ight hearted thought of fun and laughter,
O ver the moon feelings are what you`re after,
V isions of bright and happy times together,
E ternal happiness is yours forever.
Now you can see how powerful they are
These four letter words they are by far
More expressive than a full sentence could say
They tell you the same thing but in their own way.