The voice of silence
dwelled great
within my heart
I hid the pain
and felt so ugly
and believed
I was not very smart
I did not want it to be true
what was spoken,
stupid, blind and dumb
Every place I turned,
I faced pain,
that was to be my sum
The Rock of my salvation
He has set me free
I dwell with peace,
in safety and contentment
that I may see
The One who wooed me
to Himself, showed me
I am loved
and wants me to live
To stay close to Him
and to others, love, pointing to Him,
and to freely share and give
Away... what I have been given
knowledge of Him
who loves us so deep
Wants us to see
we are not a slave
it is not working for Him that will keep
Us close and dear
to His heart
to receive peace within
It is fellowship and relationship
with Him that frees us,
from our past full of sin
We have broken hearts and feel
as if, we will never be whole or loved
to walk in a place, set free
But we will be, the day He chooses, He unlocks our prison door
and throws away the key
It is not of our choosing
when our blind eyes will open
and we begin to see
But if we continually go
to His throne,
before Him, He will help us to be
All that He has called us to be
from the beginning
of all time
To see with His understanding
what He sees in us
apart, from all of our slime
We have been broken
beyond repair, in our pain,
so we think
We can't see past
this present pain, but
there really is a link
Nothing is our life
has happened
by mere circumstance and chance
He knew the moment of our birth,
our whole life would unfold,
and He would enhance
All the hurt and pain you hold,
in the deep place,
inside of you
It is not hidden as you think,
He knows it all and
He seeks to love you too
Come, lay all your sorrow
and hurt you hold,
at the feet of our King
Trust Him with who you are,
He places in your heart
His song to sing
He does replace our mourning,
our tears, for joy
as you will soon see
He is full of grace,
mercy and full of compassion,
and He stays closely
The fears we have are nothing
other than the enemy
trying to keep us blind
He knows we may get to the One
who loves us,
but wants to keep us confined
The enemy has come to steal,
kill and destroy all
that you were meant to be
Don't believe it for a second,
God spoke your life into existence
and He does set you free
Just ask Him,
in this place you find yourself,
Lord is this true?
Over time He will show you
all He is, full of grace,
mercy and virtue
He sent His Son,
Jesus Christ to point to Him,
to show us His beautiful heart
He is not mean and cruel
seeking to destroy us,
as we may have learned in our early start
Jesus walked His path,
speaking words of wisdom,
then died for us that day, on that tree
To enabled us to ask
forgiveness, for breaking His law,
and once for all, to set us free, indeed.
Debra McGee Trammell
Deuteronomy 15:7-11
7 "If there is among you a poor man of your brethren,
within any of the gates in your land
which the Lord your God is giving you,
you shall not harden your heart
nor shut your hand from your poor brother,
8 but you shall open your hand wide to him
and willingly lend him sufficient for his need,
whatever he needs.
9 Beware lest there be a wicked thought in your heart,
saying, 'The seventh year, the year of release,
is at hand,' and your eye be evil against
your poor brother and you give him nothing,
and he cry out to the Lord against you,
and it become sin among you.
10 You shall surely give to him,
and your heart should not be grieved
when you give to him, because for this thing
the Lord your God will bless you
in all your works and in all
to which you put your hand.
11 For the poor will never cease from the land;
therefore I command you, saying,
'You shall open your hand wide to your brother,
to your poor and your needy, in your land.'