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 JULES (Free Verse)


(Free Verse)

Jules was a French circus performer who lived a long time ago
He performed the first mid-air summersault in the year 1859
Thus at the tender age of twenty-one he became known all over the world as the
"Daring young man on the flying trapeze" and that for him was just fine!

He love the circus life but more than anything he enjoyed to perform
Doing summersaults was one of the greatest achievements that he did
But it seems that every time that he went to perform up there in mid-air
He thought that the clothes he wore to perform with was truly not good

What to wear during his performances was all the time with him in his mind
After a while soon enough he came out with the right answer to all of his care
He invented for himself a close-fitting one piece suit that he could wear so well
Something that he could wear comfortably all the time when he performed up there

Today  acrobats and dancers of all ages still wear it and this is history  a true fact
And still we called it a "Leotard" too and this hasn't changed can you believe it
This is in honor for the one who invented it  more for more than a whole century ago
"Jules Leotard" that's his name, "The  daring young man on the flying trapeze! And that's it.

That's a fact!

Dorian Petersen Potter


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