Two men were walking.
About Jesus they were talking.
Discussing everything that took place,
If only they could see Jesus face to face.
Jesus had died on the cross.
Now all their hope had been lost.
He said He would rise on the third day.
They believed He came to show the way.
They had heard rumors He was alive.
Not seeing Him, they said it was a lie.
They were in such great despair.
Jesus could not be found anywhere.
Suddenly a mysterious person draws near.
They do not recognize Him or the voice they hear.
He asks them about the conversation they just had.
He walks with them and asks why they are sad.
One of them said, "Are you only a stranger coming this way,
Not knowing the things that happened these past few days?"
The man replies, "What things?" and listens as they talk about it.
They believed in His mighty acts and that Jesus was a prophet.
They trusted Jesus would save Israel and redeem.
But now all their hopes had vanished it seemed.
The man said, "O fools, and slow of heart to believe
All the prophets had spoken," if only they would receive.
"Should not Christ have suffered and enter into His glory?"
This man, Jesus, opened their eyes to the rest of the story.
From the Scriptures, He started with Moses and the prophets.
He explained to them Himself, so they would know all about it.
When they reached the end of the journey, they invited Him to stay.
Jesus broke bread and immediately they knew who He was that day.
How did they know? Maybe they saw the nail scars in His hands.
My friend, would you know Him if before you He did stand?