It begins with a stick of pure white candy
Much like the beginning of our world
White for the virgin birth of our Savior
And for his sinless nature so pure
The candy is made rock hard
For the solid foundation in prayer
It is also the strength of the church
And our promise through God so fair
The shape is a "J " for the name of the son
But it is also made for the hand
It is formed like the hook of the shepherd
For rescuing and guiding the lambs
The red on the cane is a tribute
Three small stripes to begin
One for each of the wounds
That Jesus endured for our sins
The last is the largest and greatest
For the blood there's a bold red stripe
That washed us for all of eternity
And promised eternal life
For God So Loved the World
That His only Son He gave
Not in order to condemn the world
But so that we might be saved
Enjoy your candy this season
And let the flavor stay
Remember that you have been spoken for
On this glorious Christmas Day