SWEETSWORDS 20 [ Cast and Creed ** ]

SWEETSWORDS 20 [ Cast and Creed ]
Poga Humayun Dundiwala
Race relation mentality and narcissistic heart,
Dual wheel and single cart.
United ultimate and solo absolute,
Selfish seed and racial root.
Race relation mentality and egoistic desire,
Dual fusillade and single fire.
United ambition and solo result,
Selfish sea and racial salt.
Race relation mentality and bias brain,
Dual fluid and single vein.
United stand and solo collapse,
National territory and tribal maps.
Poga Saysin the Foolington Maze
Brahman's head and Kshatriya's arm,
Sudra's feet and Vaysa's tum.
Cast of clan and rank of regiment,
Private downgrade and social ascent.
Brahman's head and Kshatriya's arm,
Scholar Ravan and Student Raam,
Noah's water and Manu's fish.
Universal hunger and national dish.
Brahman's head and Kshatriya's arm,
Caltivar seed and Cropper's farm.
Cellular division and outcast hair,
Unique odd and matching pair.

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