Poems of Charles Hice 

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 Eye Remembered Juan Valdez

Eye remembered Juan Valdez
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The price of coffee has inflated along with all the rest of beans and things.
There is a place called Starbucks and that is how many ewe should have of the things
the dollars not the things oh ewe (long pause) now where was eye at lets see? Eh?
The coffee comes with cream AND chocolate and iff ewe add some caramel and cream
The thing could cost a lot of dollars turning green in someone elses hands.
There is still the old el cheapo place to drink.
Eye like McDonalds but there is also Burger King
And if eye am dispirit eye can go to Wendy's and get the thing that makes me happiest
And give in to my craving except eye don't use cream eye drink it hot and black
And pay as little as eye can of dollars that eye manage to give away every day
To people who aer wealthier than eye.
Eye just remembered that at the Market eye could get a jar of instant and be done
With paying dollars for the stuff.
Eye will just take a jar of instant coffee off the shelf and treat myself to the desease
Of  Juan Valdez.

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