My Mess With Age From The Heart
Over the years as we age
Our testimony becomes a message
As we mature in Jesus Christ
Our testimony will be good advice
He hears from every broken heart
He wants to restore his love to impart
Nobody knows your every thought
Jesus longs to manifest what He taught
Love your neighbor as yourself
Put God's word in your heart not on a shelf
Until we totally submit our life to Him
The joy we could know is void within
These words I speak are of wisdom
Since twelve years old I've seeked the kingdom
In the beginning how would I know
God's word is the seed to spiritually grow
I now know my mess with age
Is for me to share a message
I'm still adding to my testimony
I guess I will until I reach glory
So with a heart full of love
I convey this message from above
" Happy Valentines Day "
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