The Unfairness Of Angels
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 Etan I Epitas

From Laconia to Messenia,
We breed a bloodlust hysteria
It encircled the nation like the sea breeze
As we dominated the entirety of the Peloponnese
My home, Sparta, lays off the bank of the Evoratas
And it is here that as a nation we reached God like status
From 1150 to 370 BC
We came and created the greatest Empire you were ever to see
We defended our homeland Greece from hell itself
And thrived on a tradition of war not wealth
From birth I was taken to the slopes of Mount Taygetos
If I survived the night I was a warrior, if not, then the Gods had got us
Like my father, and my fathers, fathers before him
We defended  Greece from the influx of foreign sin
In later years we became allies and believers of Rome
And modeled parts of their society within our home
Yet we had two kings who united in sovereinship
As Aristotle said "a kind of unlimited and perpetual generalship"
We were breed for War and to defend
And fight to very, very bitter end
From the moment we could walk we entered the training known as agoge
And it was in our hearts and soul, for it was our destiny
My destiny and fate lay in the greatest battle of our time
For I, was part of the 300, who defended our nation from the Persian slime
In 531BC the Persian army was growing at an alarming rate
But we would not let them dictate our fate
Their armies led by King Xerxes and his lust to slay
But I was there in the year 481BC, at the Great Battle of Thermopylae
I was part of the 300 Spartan warriors who stood and fought
The Persian Army and it's continuous onslaught
300 against 1000's, we stood firm and blocked their way to Greece
300 men brought together a ravished kingdom and gave it peace
I looked at the carvings on my shield, ‘Etan I Epitas' and made my wish
As through the carnage I thought of my wife I would miss
ETAN I EPITAS, meaning ‘with this upon this'
And as the bodies of the Persians fell before me, I knew I had my wish
This was just one of the great battles in the Peloponnesian War
I had fought in many and was brought up on death and gore
The defeat of the Persian army made Athens forever grateful
And no longer looked upon us Spartans as hateful
With the strength of Sparta and the intellect of Athens
Greece was able to take on any army and its greedy Kings
Rome of course conquered but we became allies
And we continued as a nation to survive
Alexander The Great said 'That Sparta is our sun in the sky"
But like like all great super powers, even death must die

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